Don't Step on the Bluebells: A Journey Through 21 Healing Modalities
Don't Step on the Bluebells: A Journey Through 21 Healing Modalities
Over the past year, "Don't Step on the Bluebells" has explored a diverse range of healing modalities, each offering unique insights and approaches to personal transformation. Let's take a journey through these 21 episodes, discovering the power and potential of each healing practice.
Let's take a look at the wondrous world of healing that we've explored so far!
Episode #001: Welcome to Don't Step on the Bluebells!
Host: Amanda Parker
Modality: Powerful and empowering conversations and connections; Showcasing healing and healers
Potential: Help people learn what's possible, and connect to healers who can support them
Episode #002: Healing with Microdosing
Healer: Jakobien van der Weijden
Modality: Microdosing involves taking very small, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances.
Potential: Enhanced creativity, improved mood, greater emotional resilience, and deeper self-connection. It can address issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Episode #003: Healing with Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT)
Healer: Vladi Moseley
Modality: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) allows access to deeper states of consciousness.
Potential: Uncover past-life traumas, receive guidance from the higher self, and experience profound spiritual awakening and physical healing.
Episode #004: Healing with Spiritual Art
Healer: Aida Murad
Modality: Creation of art as a spiritual practice, channeling healing energies into artwork.
Potential: Process emotions, access deeper parts of the psyche, and facilitate healing through creative expression.
Episode #005: Healing the Root Cause
Healer: Patricia Natalia
Modality: Focuses on identifying and addressing the fundamental sources of issues.
Potential: Profound healing and transformation by freeing individuals from long-standing patterns.
Episode #006: Healing with Dance
Healer: Helene Stetsenko
Modality: Uses dance and movement to improve emotional, cognitive, and physical well-being.
Potential: Improved emotional expression, stress reduction, enhanced body awareness, and trauma healing.
Episode #007: Healing with Ayurveda
Healer: Suyogi Gessner
Modality: A holistic healing system emphasizing balance through diet, lifestyle, and natural therapies.
Potential: Prevent and treat health issues by restoring balance to the body's systems.
Episode #008: Healing with Yoga
Healer: Bernardino (Bala) Machado
Modality: Combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation.
Potential: Improved flexibility, strength, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.
Episode #009: Healing with Aura Reading
Healer: Naomi Barnouw-Lindner
Modality: Perceiving and interpreting the subtle energy fields surrounding an individual.
Potential: Insights into health, emotions, and spiritual well-being, identifying imbalances in the energy field.
Episode #010: Healing with Affirmations
Healer: Jessie Parker
Modality: Using positive statements to reinforce a positive mindset and manifest desired outcomes.
Potential: Increased self-esteem, positive outlook, and ability to manifest goals.
Episode #011: Healing with Reiki
Healer: Danielle van de Velde
Modality: Channeling universal life energy through the practitioner's hands to the recipient.
Potential: Stress reduction, pain alleviation, accelerated physical healing, and enhanced emotional well-being.
Episode #012: Healing with Psilocybin
Healer: Jessika Lagarde
Modality: Therapeutic use of psilocybin in a controlled environment.
Potential: Deep emotional healing, greater self-understanding, and resolution of past traumas.
Episode #013: Healing with Shamanism
Healer: Sandra Ingerman
Modality: Ancient spiritual practice involving connection with the spirit world.
Potential: Healing deep-seated emotional traumas, connecting with ancestral spirits, and gaining insights into life purpose.
Episode #014: Healing with Ancestors
Healer: Koen Silver Wolf Drum
Modality: Identifying and healing inherited family traumas and patterns.
Potential: Breaking generational cycles of trauma and creating positive shifts in family dynamics.
Episode #015: Healing with Breathwork
Healer: Liza Al Sady
Modality: Various breathing techniques designed to influence physical, mental, and emotional states.
Potential: Stress reduction, emotional blockage clearance, and facilitation of deep spiritual experiences.
Episode #016: Healing with Hellerwork
Healer: Dan Bienenfeld
Modality: Bodywork therapy combining deep tissue massage, movement education, and dialogue.
Potential: Improved posture, chronic pain relief, and release of emotional blockages stored in the body.
Episode #017: Healing with Psychic Abilities
Healers: Saskia Nefkens & Rachelle Jenkens, Not Your Average Psychic
Modality: Developing heightened intuitive senses beyond the normal five senses.
Potential: Greater intuition, enhanced spiritual awareness, and ability to receive guidance from higher realms.
Episode #018: Healing with Transmissions
Healer: Teo Alfero
Modality: Channeling energy, wisdom, or information from higher realms or enlightened beings.
Potential: Profound spiritual awakenings and acceleration of spiritual development.
Episode #019: Healing with the Emotion, Body, and Belief Code
Healer: Jodi Greenstein
Modality: Using muscle testing to identify and clear trapped emotions and limiting beliefs.
Potential: Significant improvements in physical health, emotional well-being, and relationships.
Episode #020: Healing Beyond the Brain
Healer: Blue Star
Modality: Practices addressing the spiritual dimensions of health.
Potential: Profound shifts in consciousness, release of deep-seated fears, and alignment with higher purpose.
Episode #021: Healing with Purpose
Healer: Sharad Lal
Modality: Aligning one's healing journey with their life's purpose or higher calling.
Potential: Deep sense of fulfillment, clarity of direction, and motivation to overcome challenges.
Each episode of "Don't Step on the Bluebells" offers a unique window into the vast world of healing and personal transformation. From ancient wisdom to cutting-edge therapies, these diverse modalities share a common goal: to guide us back to our authentic selves and help us live more fulfilling, balanced lives.
As we continue our journey of exploration and growth, I can't wait to see what new insights and healing approaches the next 21 episodes will bring!