A Reminder That You're Never Alone, No Matter Where on Your Journey You Are
A Reminder That You're Never Alone, No Matter Where on Your Journey You Are
How has 2023 been treating you so far? Sometimes it can feel like it’s all hustle and bustle and then suddenly it’s February and you can’t even remember what you set out to achieve when the year began.
I’ve been doing my best to stay focused on the goals I’ve set for myself for the year to come. More importantly, I’ve been learning how to simplify and reduce the chaos that typically takes over my mind when I’ve got big ideas! And believe me, I have plenty of big ideas afoot for the next few months.
One of my biggest lessons from 2022 focused on going back to basics – getting the foundation right so that everything else can grow from there. It was a truly transformational year for me – shaking the core of my confidence and belief about what I do and who I do it for.
I hired a powerful coach, joined an unbelievable mastermind of incredible people, completed my training as a Reiki Master, and so much more. I leapt at every opportunity to learn and grow, and, to be honest, realized that the most valuable time for me was that which I spent in reflection, where I could be alone with my thoughts and my pen.
I realized that the constant busyness that I’ve so often created in my life (New program launch! New course! Travel here! Meet people there!) doesn’t allow me space for thoughtful reflection and going deep within. In fact, I had convinced myself that I couldn’t just sit down and meditate – simply because I could not clear out enough space in my head to shut off the noise.
Knowing that I can in fact meditate, I decided to try a different route – signing up for a year of Calm and kicking 2023 off with their 21 Days of Calm challenge – which I have been faithfully following for the last two weeks. I can already feel a huge shift in how present and focused I am, and how it is becoming easier to clear away external noise so I can listen to my own inner voice.
Here are a few other shifts I've made to start my year on better footing:
- Waking up earlier to have some time to myself in the mornings for reflection and mediation
- Going to the spin studio twice a week to get my body moving in some high intensity cardio workouts
- Blocking specific times in my calendar for the various activities I complete in a week, (writing, recording videos, coaching calls, connecting with people, etc.) AND honoring them!
- Saying "no" to outings, events, courses, people, opportunities, etc. that don't feel like a hell yes for me
- Planning meals for the week so there is no last minute hanger when I'm so hungry I can't think and end up running out to grab whatever is closest and easiest
- Doing all of these things imperfectly and accepting that as part of my process
I do not proclaim to be an expert at any of this, only to share a bit of that journey with you so you, too, know you are not alone!
And in the spirit of not-aloneness – I want to remind you that wherever you are on your journey, there are others who are walking a similar path. So often over the last year I’ve heard stories of loneliness, uncertainty, and hesitation about where to go from here - Business leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, friends, family – the source wasn’t important, but the message was! We are often taught that we need to figure things out on our own, that we need to put in our own sweat capital to reach our goals or they somehow aren’t as valuable.
So hear me clearly, it simply isn’t true! You do not need to walk this path alone. You have hundreds, if not millions, of people who are on a similar journey and struggling or striving to figure out similar challenges. While your unique story is yours and yours alone, that does not mean you cannot be supported or uplifted to reach that goal or achieve your dream.
So often in my own journey of personal growth and entrepreneurship I have felt like I need to figure it out on my own. Now I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that is simply not true.
While I’m always here to listen to your stories and drop some wisdom, if you feel called to join a community of like-minded individuals who are all working towards some pretty big, audacious goals this year, stay tuned to your inbox because I’ll be sharing some pretty exciting opportunities for you in the weeks to come. Feel free to hit reply with "I've got big goals this year!" and we can chat more.
In the meantime, know that I see you. I’m here for you. And that you 100% can reach your goals and feel grounded and confident every day.
Big love,
Want to find new and exciting ways to grow in 2023?
Explore: T7M | New Moon Circle | Amanda's YouTube | Free Confidence Course