About You
You are a dreamer, a creator, and a doer. You're entrepreneurial and creative, always looking for a new way forward. Some might even call you a visionary.
You're experienced in the world - having grown your career or business in unexpected ways, often defying cultural or societal norms to get where you are today. Needless to say, you don't follow a blueprint. There's no path laid out before you.
Your ambition, drive, and results-focus have gotten you here. You've done all of this despite living in a world that tells you your life should look different.
What You Want
You've come so far on your journey. You've "made it" on paper - reaching milestones in your life and career that you were dreaming of. It feels like everything's finally falling into place.
And yet, you are yearning for something more.
You feel like you should be grateful to have come this far, knowing how hard you worked to get here. But now that you've arrived, you realize you just don't feel as happy as you hoped you would.
You know there is something else out there waiting for you - something that not only feels more fulfilling, but actually fills you with purpose. You want to figure out what it is, if only you knew where to begin.
"I clearly understand what I want to do in life. I am generally a happier person. I understand my priorities better. Though there is much room for improvement, and much to be done, I like who I see in the mirror every morning. Amanda is a great coach who genuinely cares about what she does and uses her craft to help others. If she can help me, she can help anybody."
- Priyantha
My Journey
I know the journey, because I've been there too. I had big dreams, a lot of drive, and I knew that I was meant to create something meaningful in the world, but it was so hard to clear away the clutter of thoughts, ideas, and dreams so that I could actually bring all of those big ideas to life. I felt confused and overwhelmed by the possibilities and spinning in circles trying to figure it out.
What I craved more than anything else was support, a helping hand, someone to help guide me and to help me make sense of all the thought forms twisted together in my mind, to help me see clearly what it was I really wanted and find the pathway forward to create it.
I wanted a supporter, an ally, a thinking partner, and a coach to be there by my side, not only cheering my on but also challenging me to go deeper, to go further.
I know the incredible impact that having that level of devoted, unconditional support has had on me, and I know the relief of feeling safe, understood, and loved no matter what I was struggling with.
How I Can Help You
I create transformative programs for us to do the deep work together. I am right alongside you as you face your biggest fears, acknowledge the ways you have been holding yourself back, and recognize the circumstances and behaviors that are keeping you stuck where you are.
I am your champion, your ally, and your guide to navigate the often murky waters of your mind, helping you to clear away confusion and overwhelm that come along with dreaming up something new, and to find your grounding and self-trust to know that you can truly bring your vision to life.
I help you access wells of inner knowledge and wisdom that you had no idea were within you, and to anchor in new thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that reflect who you really are.
Together, we remove the obstacles standing in your way so that you can align your life, your career, and your relationships to who you really are at your core and to what matters most to you.
"The coaching with Amanda was life-changing for me and will be something I will never ever forget in my life. Before I started coaching with Amanda my dreams to become an artist were just dreams - it was never something that I could really touch or reach. I felt like I would not be able to become what I dreamt about for so many years. Through our work together, I learned to slow down, to listen to myself - even if it is still very hard to do this. I can now call myself an artist, in front of other people even!"
- Annemarie
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© Copyright 2024 | Amanda Parker
A Courage Factory® Ltd. Company